Friday, September 26, 2008

Something to Listen to While I'm on Vacation

Today was my last day on-site at the client's office, though I will continue to assist them from Chicago. I'm about to head out to a farewell dinner, but wanted to let my faithful (and much appreciated) readers know that I will now be using the vacation time my client is contractually obligated to pay for, beginning by spending the next 5 days in Morocco, going from Fes to Marrakech in a 5-person tour. The highlight will likely be taking a camel out into the Sahara and spending a night in a tent. Then I will be in Poland for 4 days, going from Warsaw to Krakow and then east to just shy of the Ukrainian border, tracking down the hometowns of my maternal grandparents and great-grandparents. Depending on my internet access, I may or may not update this blog before I return to the States. At some point, though, there will be at least one final post when I get home before I shut the blog down, in which I will bore you with pictures and some final thoughts.

On another topic, over the past few years, I've developed a hobby of writing music that is completely unmarketable. A few of you whom I have (literally) forced to listen to it are already aware of this. Being here for 6 months without a piano has unfortunately curtailed this and hopefully has not irreparably damaged my already limited skills. Anyway, since I won't be posting for a while, I thought I'd end this with a few samples.

# 1

# 2

# 3

# 4

# 5


Tony said...

Come back soon :) I know youll have a great time, Hey i found a site that you might like too! -

Anonymous said...

I'm going to miss reading your blog; you're such a good writer. I liked the odd-numbered music.
be careful in your travels and don't do anything I wouldn't do

PBS said...

Thanks for the comments! Baraaza is an interesting site and I hadn't heard of it before. And as for my travels, I assure you I did nothing particularly dangerous -- probably trying to use the Polish train system was the most difficult thing I did.

M Easter said...


Finally, I have a chance to listen to your work... I really like #1 and #3. As a novice pianist, I find this to be sophisticated stuff! Very cool.

Please keep blogging from the Windy City... we all know you never really left that this was a ruse. It's ok. We don't judge. (We do, however, file appeals).

PBS said...

Thanks, Captain! I assure you it's not that sophisticated -- for some of the pieces there are 2 tracks playing simultaneously, as I would be unable to play both parts with 2 hands (and it's probably physically impossible).