Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Proof That There Are Too Many Celebrities

On my way home, I stopped at the Hudson's (it's Australian for "Starbucks") at the Brisbane Airport and realized I was standing in line next to reality TV personality Kendra Wilkinson.  I wasn't positive until the barista asked for her name and her dad answered with "Wilkinson."  By the time we got to our gate, people started to figure it out.  If I appear in any tabloid photos, know that my presence in those photos was just a coincidence.

This year alone, I have walked past Al Roker and later Joy Behar on the same day in different cities, sat on a plane directly behind Hulk Hogan, rode in an elevator with Sheryl Crow's band, and seen NBA players and coaches from multiple teams at a hotel I lived in for 4 weeks.  And I didn't even spend any time in L.A. or N.Y. this year.  When the celebrity to normal person ratio is getting this high, there are clearly too many celebrities.

And on that note, this year's Big Trip comes to a close.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Make no mistake, you are an exceptional person, Peter, and that means that you are not normal. It is the people that you walk past and think that they are more notable than you that are truly missing out.