Monday, December 2, 2013

An Open Letter to the Toilet Manufacturers of America

I'm staying at a rather modest, inexpensive hotel in Tokyo.  So imagine my surprise when I found this model of modern ingenuity in the bathroom.

Hard to tell, but among the caution warnings
is a drawing of a youngster throwing a bucket of
water onto the toilet seat.
The control panel is below.

 Let me walk you through the features:

1) Upon my entering the hotel room, it automatically starts warming the seat.
2) There's a control panel on the wall.  If the bidet option is a bit much for you, you can choose a gentle "spray" for when you're finished.  You can select your water pressure on a scale of 1-7.
3) After you flush, it automatically applies a "deodorizer."
4) There are some hilarious caution drawings under the lid.

Why don't we have this in America?  If we do, why hasn't anyone told me?  So, dear toilet manufacturers of America, get to work.  And step aside Snapchat, the Driverless Car,    and Google Glass: here is modern technology I'm ready for.

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