Monday, December 2, 2013

And ... We're Off

I'm off on my Big Trip 2013 (a/k/a Operation Maintain Airline Status) and it wasn't without a little drama right off the bat.  While flying down to Dallas to catch my flight to Tokyo, there was a medical emergency on the plane.  There's nothing quite like hearing the flight attendant call out "Is there a doctor on board?"  We landed in St. Louis and, thankfully, the woman involved was alert and responsive as she was wheeled out past me.  I've had planes diverted due to severe weather and mechanical issues before (complete with a line of emergency vehicles lined up as we landed), and I even once had a woman sitting across from me removed in handcuffs for disorderly conduct (not at my request, mind you), but this was the first such medical emergency.  All things considered, if you have to experience one of these events, I'd choose the disorderly conduct.

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